Can I buy notebooks directly from you, or only on amazon?

Currently, notebooks and planners are only available on Amazon. Stay tuned via email newsletter or social media for any updates!

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Please use this google form for feedback, so it doesn’t get lost in the DM’s or emails! Thank you so much for your support!

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If you want to share about schoolnest on social media in a collaborative way, please apply for the Creative Team.

What’s the difference between a “homeschool lesson planning notebook” and a “minimalist” and a “weekly” planner?

The Homeschool Lesson Planning Notebook is BIG with lots of pages for journaling. Every week, it has pages called “Daily Details” designed for journaling or listing accomplishments and memories of the day. It also has a page for a weekly reflection for memory keeping and journaling. The other two planners do not have these pages.

The Minimalist is just like the Homeschool Lesson Planning Notebook but without the Daily Details and Weekly Reflections pages. You can still reflect, but just before each week and after each month.

The Weekly Planner is not a homeschool planner (though you could use it for homeschooling). It doesn’t have any of the fun tracker layouts that the other two planners have, and it also has a different weekly grid that is more open-ended and easier to use as a schedule instead of a school subject planner.